So cute....its almost too much to handle....
Anyway, its spring break time and I'm pretty happy for that. More so about having a whole week away from Copy Asylum.
In times of craziness lately I've been listening to this lovely song by Wild Beasts
Last week some Tibetan monks came and spent a week in the SSU Library and created a wonderful sand mandala. I wasn't able to get any photos of them actually working on it, but here are some pix I took of the the finished product:
On Thursday after working on each tiny detail (remeber people, its made comepltely out of colored sand), they took the whole mandala to a water way and dissolved it. Parallel to life isn't it? We spend so much time working on every detail yet in the end....its all dissolved.
In other news, I don't remember if I posted this on here or not but I got admitted into CIIS, my grad school of choice! Looks like I'll be moving to San Franny some time this summer. If anyone knows of anyone or needs a room mate living in the city let me knowwwww.
Also, I came across this artist named Mike Stilkey who's trademark is to paint on the spines of books. I dig his style quite a bit.
Ahhh so cool! Im again embarking on making another life size body portrait like I did last year. Unfortunatley its due the same day as my case paper for abnormal psychology so we'll see how I fare with that.
Also, I just really want to share this gem with all of you.
On that note, I bid thee farewell.