Thursday, April 1, 2010




Except thats far from what I'll be doing. More like just enjoying some down time.

Sorry about the lack of blogging, life has been rather out of control lately. Lots of classes, new job, oh yeah and a new one of these:
Im pretty stoked for that. Even though its not like I drive anywhere cuz its not like I have a life outside of SSU campus. I'll use the excuse that Im trying to save the ozone.

By the way, thats not my actual car, thats just what came up when I googled the model. But thats what it looks like.

Anyways, lately I've been pretty obsessed with Neon Indian. Like I really can't get enough. I posted a little bit about them back in September I think.

Good beats, good tunes, and I want that shit on vinyl. Also I'm quite fond of their lead, Alan Palomo. I think he's haaawt. Don't argue with me.

that girl is stupid, tell her to get the fuck out of there.

But yeah, like I said Im really looking forward to taking this next week off. Take some well needed me time. Oh yeah, and I get to hang out with my highly attractive family. Here's a few of them:



brother jeffy

brother rene

nephew mitchie

some crazy uncle of mine, idk how his pic got in the mix

makes sense where I get all my good looks from right?

modern digital cameras are so much fun.

Im sure my family adores me.

Anyway, I swear Im going to start updating this blog more frequently. PROMISE!


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