Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sorry For the Delay

You know, lately as Ive been sitting in my classes zoning out Ive been thinking a lot about Narwhals.

What? You don't believe how BADMOTHAFUCKINASS they are? How would you like to be on the other side of this?
YEAH thats what I THOUGHT!

Anyway, lately as you might have noticed I havent been posting as much. Thats because Ive just been an emo kid painting a bunch lately and not looking as much to provide you with teh internetz lolz. But I saw this on MSNBC and thought it was interesting. Its all the wackiest places people have seen religious iconography.

I wish I had a birth mark shaped like a cross on my forehead. People would never ask questions, they'd just do what I told them to.

Apparently this is supposed to be Jesus and Mary. Personally I think its a little bit exaggerated. But I mean hey, if a religious image showed up in an orange for me, Id feel screwed because I hate oranges.

Thats right. Crosses in potatoes. If I encountered this I would make the most bad ass mashed potatoes ever. Instead of holy water in churches they'd have my famous holy mashed potatoes to take a spoonfull of before going into church.

So there is Mother Teresa. Personally this doesnt surprise me because I already think Cinnabon is a holy sacred place. I mean have you walked by and smelled the aromas? mmm

I iron a lot of my clothes. So if Jesus appeared on my iron I don't think Id be too surprised. Id just have high expectations of how well the iron works at making my clothes look crisp and fresh.

Soo...apparently there's supposed to be the face of Jesus in this cat's fur. But I really cant see it. Stupid cat probably made it up. Cats are liars!

You know, if this one really was some form of divine power sending a sign to humanity, what exactly is it saying by sending Jesus into your bag of Cheetos? Think about that.

Again, what is God saying by sending images of his son into your food? "Keep eating ye greasy grilled cheese" Thats kind of odd. Maybe its supposed to be ironic or some kind of indirect riddle. God has a funny sense of humor you know. I am reminded of that when things happen like when I buy something from a vending machine and the snack gets stuck in the machine.

This is the bottom of a frying pan. Now wouldnt it be funny if this was left behind after you made ye holy grilled cheese? Now come on God, this is just overkill.

Now, given that I have grown up Catholic and all that jazz, Im not totally a believer in these divine images that show up in random places. But if my baby's ultrasound had an image of what appeared to have Jesus kissing my child, Id be all over that shit. In fact, I think it would be my only child because the other ones after couldnt compare. "What's that Johnny? You don't think its fair that your older brother gets ice cream and you dont? Were you kissed by Jesus in your ultrasound? Yeah thats what I thought. Now get out of here." My blessed child would then go on to make a career of making ye holy grilled cheese.

Hahahaha. Oh man.

I love myself.

On another note, Ive been soooo depressed lately and I dont know why. But here's some cool music videos I found recently.

NOTE: so apparently around the 13 second mark on that video, Pitchfork thought there was an image of a penis (you all thought for a second I was gonna say image of Jesus right? haha) so youtube yanked this video. Well apparently its just a girl wearing a hoodie. Epic fail Pitchfork. You no good dirty hipster bastards.

its weird, a couple of weeks ago before I even saw this video I had a dream very similar to this where I was in a raft in the middle of the ocean and I kept finding rocks in it. I have a lot to say about that but I shan't bore you.

Anyway, I know this was a long post but its been a little while. So merry/happy christmas/birthday in March.


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